Friday, February 17, 2012

Down Another Pound!

It's very hard for me to remember to post regularly on this blog. I have another blog elsewhere, where I post (semi) regularly, but this one is more private. See, I've struggled with my weight for a long time. For the past three years, I've constantly been trying to lose weight. And it's worked fairly well - I'm sixty pounds lighter than I was graduating high school. 

But I know I can lose more! I'm not at a healthy weight yet, but I will be. I don't have it all figured out yet, but I will soon. I mess up and binge occasionally, but I'll learn not to. There's so much left to do!

My goal, by the end of the quarter, is to get down to 166, twenty pounds down from the beginning of the quarter. I have three weeks left in the quarter, not counting finals. That's 7 pounds in 21 days, or a third of a pound per day. I think it's possible. Let's see, shall we? 

Leslie May

WEIGHT: 173 pounds BMI: 25.5

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