Monday, February 6, 2012

"And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete

Little pieces of the nothin' that fall

Oh, May

Put your arms around me

What you feel is what you are

And what you are is beautiful"

-Goo Goo Dolls

This is it! My first ever post. Let me introduce myself:

I am a student, I live in Oregon, and I'm really interested in finally, FINALLY losing all this weight.

I am 5"9, 178 pounds, which is at 26.3 BMI.
My goal (for now) is 165 pounds  (25.5 BMI) by June 15th. By December 31, I want to be 150 pounds (22.1 BMI). Do you want to join me on this journey? 28 pounds in over 10 months - should be doable, right? Baby steps!

Listening To: Slide, Goo Goo Dolls

As for what I'm eating today, I think it's mainly just going to be tea and water. I know, eating is good for you, but I ate a crazy amount this weekend. So today is a 'sorry' day. :)

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